Could my erectile dysfunction go away on its own? Sometimes erectile dysfunction resolves on its own. ... It's common for men to experience occasional problems getting or maintaining an erection, due to a minor illness or stress. But iferectile dysfunction (ED) occurs more than 25% of the time you should see your doctor.
Sometimes erectile dysfunction resolves on its own. Maybe you cut back on drinking, resolved the stress problems that were affecting your sex life, or finally quit smoking, to find to your delight that all systems were suddenly "go" again. But why wait to find out if it's coming back on its own? Do yourself a favor and get it checked out because ED is sometimes a harbinger for a more serious problem like heart disease or diabetes. An erection depends on the health of your blood vessels -- your penis needs to be engorged with blood to be erect. If you're having trouble getting or maintain an erection, it can be a clue that your blood vessels have been damaged by a buildup of cholesterol and debris (atherosclerosis) or that the high blood sugar of diabetes may have impaired nerve, vessel, or muscle function.
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